Baby Joyce was recently brought to our attention when she had been sent home to spent our last days. She was diagnosed with cancer and the parents could not afford the treatment. We raised the necessa...
Education is an essential tool to combat poverty, under development, crime, disease and emigration. But despite its importance, education which is mostly depended on government funding, remains very u...
During the 2015 convention that took place in Kentucky, members raised a reasonable amount to provide mosquito nets to combat mosquito bites that resulted to malaria. Some 1500 mosquito nets were prov...
Water is the foundation of life. Unfortunately, this remains one of the biggest problems in Mantung. Recently, we worked with the people of Gom to build a water catchment to supply water for 2000 peop...
During the onset of OCVID-19, we raised funds to supply communities in Mantung land with essential COVID preventive materials like hand sanitizers, masks and soaps. We also worked with one of the top ...
Since the end of 2016, there has been civil unrest in our homeland. This crisis was felt in our community late last year and early this year when many homes were burnt down in Mantung land, many prope...
Members valuing the importance of education raised enough subject based text books and other school resources to help some schools in the communities. ...
The association has partnered with the Monie Foundation to provide some scholarships to needy students in the Sub-Division....
Last August 2022 we partnered with the Nyanganji's Family to celebrate the 10th year anniversary of passing onto glory of Mr. Emmanuel Bonglack Nyaganji. During this event, we raised funds for ...