Home — Annual Speeches » Speech of the Year 2022
During my early years of growing up in Nwa, there was a man whom we fondly called JJ
or Pa John Jumbo. He was an introvert and without any “formal / western education” but he
literally had his hands in all aspects of life (economically, socially and politically) in Nwa Sub
Division. You cannot write a true and objective modern history of Mantung Land without the
mention of JJ. As we gather here today in the Garden State, my heart is overwhelmed with joy as
I see the many change agents that are gathered here willing and ready to take matters into their
hands. As an “actor”, you are a real agent of change.
There are well over 150 Mantung landers in the US but why are we only a handful seated
here? Why is it that only a handful attends our monthly meetings? Why only a handful
financially denotes to MACDA sponsored activities? Where is Mantung Land on our agenda?
While (as) we ponder over these questions, a story comes to mind in which Jesus Christ healed
10 lepers but only 1 came back to say Thank You (Luke 17:11-19). Many of us have been fed,
cared for, blessed etc by Mantung Land but today, only a handful like you remembers that land.
Thank you, change agents, for all you do. I charged you not to be weary in doing good to
Mantung Land for in due season, you will reap the fruits of your sowing if we do not give up
(Gal 6:9). For those who have decided to sit back and do nothing for Mantung Landers and/ or
Mantung Land, know this, “..if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance
will arise for MantungLand / Landers from another palace…” Esther 4:14. How sad and painful
it will be for you to see this and know that you did not avail yourself for Mantung’s relief and
It is no longer news that the world had gone through some serious changing times
imposed on it by COVID-19 and the nuances that comes with it. MACDANs were not exempt
from these life altering changes. We are so thankful to God that the negative impact of COVID-
19 was minimal on our community. For those that were seriously impacted and/ or are still
suffering the impacts of COVID-19, we continue to stand with you in prayer asking God for a
quick recovery, deliverance or restoration. COVID-19 also presented us with an opportunity to
know that “life is bigger than self.” What happens in Mantung Land and/ or with other Mantung
Landers can have effects on us even though we may live in our “well secured, gated, self-made
worlds” How we respond to events in life as they unfold will make a difference especially as we
have come to know that “somethings do not discriminate.” It remains our utmost desire, hope
and prayer that a “new and transformed people and community centered MACDAN or Mantung
Lander” will emerge when the dust is settled.
When COVID-19 stroke, we stood shoulder to shoulder with our most vulnerable people.
We provided educational materials preventive materials to Mantung Land and Mantung Landers
(in the 3 clans). When our people became victims of the ongoing crises at home, we provided
basic assistance to internally displaced persons. When the bororros attacked our people, we
showed up with assistance. When Baby Joyce was introduced to us with a life threatening
sickness, you showed up not once, not twice but as many as it was needed and today, baby Joyce
is back to living a normal life and is in school. This January we began to voluntarily assist
MACDANs when a life changing event occurred. Some of you may have or know someone who
benefitted from such support. Thank you so very much for your unwavering support. As you
give to others, so shall it be given to you, “a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and
running over.” (Luke 6:38).
After so many efforts, talks meetings and promises, I am glad to announce to this body
that we now have a “work-in-progress” website. I thank all of you who have contributed to
making this a reality. Remember, actions get things done. Regardless of how many planning
meetings you can have or how many promises you make; nothing will be accomplished if we do
not follow through with actions. Let me caution that this is a working process, and we are open
to any feedback. We will entertain all the feedback and act accordingly but there will be no room
for criticisms (which is often meant to destroy). Now that we have the website, what next? It
remains our desire that we maintain and enhance our social media presence with the hope that
one day, we will start seeking external funding for various projects in Mantung Land.
We have made some strides against the many odds but there is much more to be done. In
the past, I have proposed to this body to set aside funds on an annual basis which will be used to
empower the most vulnerable (women and children) in Mantung Land by setting up income
generating projects to be led by these groups. I also proposed that this body should set up 4
annual scholarships (2 in the amount of $250 for full time college students and 2 in the amounts
of $150 for high scholars) who regularly participate in our activities. These projects have not
been given the full consideration by this body.
As great as an idea could be, it will only make
meaningful impact when we act on it. MACDA-USA has it in its power to be a change agent; to
bring about the much-desired change we want to see in our lives and communities. The million-
dollar question is, will you do it? Today, I am asking this body to re-visit our constitution and
revise it where necessary. For example, we should meet in person every other year and we should
“mandate” any MACDAN family living within the US to pay an annual development levy which
must be used to carry out projects in Mantung Land or among members. This amount may be
broken into 3 classes: off convention years (say $1000), convention year but not attending the
convention (say $750) and convention year and attending the convention (say $500). If we want
change and development in our community, then go for it. We must act on it as if the
development and future of our community depends on no one but us (you) and that the time to
act is now and not tomorrow (which is never guaranteed in the first place).
My Fellow MACDANs, Steve Maraboli is quoted as saying, “incredible change happens
in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving
control over what you don’t.” For too long, we have exerted much of our precious, God given
resources on things we cannot control and will never have control over when it comes to
development and progress in our community while negating the things we have control over. You
can control you, your attitude, your giving just to name this few. Make it a point today to become
a Change agent; just do it. Will it be easy? No but just do it. Go ahead and embody this motto by
Apple Inc, “Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The trouble makers. The round
pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And
they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify
them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push
the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the one who
do.” Because you are crazy enough to believe that you can change Mantung Land, go ahead and
do it. Do not overestimate what you have while underestimating what may come our way when
you give up what you have. Be a dreamer, be a change agent; you have in it you to be an agent of
change…you have got the strength, the patience, the passion and above all the grace of God to
change the world; just do it.
Back to the man we called JJ. He died many years ago but his memories live on (so vivid
in our lives I may add). Why? Because he was a trailblazer, an elite or an actor. I am not sure if
he knew it and if it mattered to him then but he was not only a trailblazer, an actor, an elite a
statesman but he was above all a change agent. He brought development, progress and
transformation to Mantung Land and among Mantung Landers. He grew up jobless but he
created jobs for many. He grew up in an era when there was no electricity but he brought light /
electricity to the area. He grew up in era where he trekked to as far as South West but he brought
transportation to Mantung Land. He grew up in an era where news can hardly come by but he
delivered mails to many and brought TV news to the area. He had no formal western education
but he brought a secondary school (JCC) to Mantung land where he educated many, some of
whom he has never met in person. He didn’t just talk change. But he acted change, he was a
change agent, and he was change. As we sit here today, ask yourself, are you a change agent?
What will the history of Mantung Land say about you with reference to her development? What
will you tell your children about Homeland and how you have impacted change there? What will
you tell your creator, God, about all the talents He entrusted you with? Will you tell Him that you
were (are) a blessing to Mantung Land and Mantung Landers with all that He gifted you with?
Or will you tell Him that you took all of those talents that He gifted you and buried them in you
and your nucleus family? Mathew 25:14-30. It is not too late! Go out and “be the change agent”
you have been created and/ or called to be.
Long Live MACDA_USA,
Long Live Mantung Land