Home — Annual Speeches » Speech of the Year 2018
As we gather here in the land of 10000 lakes to celebrate our heritage, I can’t be happier
to have been chosen, created and called a MACDAN. I am so humbled and honored to stand
before you as your servant leader to lead you into the next phase of this organization. And I am
particularly honored and humbled by the many of you who have stood by this organization and
with us from the yesterdays. Without you and without the blessings of our creator, the one and
only living God of the universe, we won’t be here today or we will be writing a different history
today. Your unwavering support for this organization is not without notice. Be encouraged to
keep on doing that you have been called and chosen to do for in due season, you will reap the
benefits or fruits of your hard work.
Throughout our journey, some have made a deliberate decision to be inactive or be arm-
chair critics. While it is true that their actions may have a negative impact on us, let me be loud
and clear to these folks that their actions are instead a motivation to push us forward. It is true
that it takes many to build a house but it is also true that a few committed people are far better
than a thousand uncommitted people. These arm-chair critics and naysayers should know that by
failing to envision their highest potential; a natural extension of the MACDA experience or
identity can only act as an impediment to their personal development and growth. There is no
doubt in my mind that God is destined to bless Mantung and the Mantung Lander. Question is
will you be a medium through which these blessings will pour through or will you stand by and
observe these blessings flow to God’s chosen land and people through someone else. We hope
you will take the right course of action and be like the many seated here today and not be left
behind or out “for if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise
for Mantung Land from another place... Yet who knows whether you have come to Mantung
Land for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14). You should no longer be accepting of the things you
cannot change but rather you should change the things you cannot accept in Mantung Land. Be
encouraged to become the change agent for the change you want to see in Mantung Land and
amongst Mantung Landers. To him who much is given, much is expected. Ask yourself what you
have done with all that the LORD has blessed you with? They are gifts to you to bless, equip and
build up others and not just yourself and your immediate inner circle.
To the many of you who have steadfastly supported this organization through its troubled
infancy days to this moment, I commend you for your dedication. You have been an unwavering
force and support to the progress we have made so far. While progress had been made on many
fronts, there is much more that needs to be done. It’s all about you bridging this gap. The
tremendous work that lies ahead demands an added commitment, dedication and focus from us
all. We as a people can and must do better for our community. We must not give up on the
organization at this moment when success, development and prosperity is within sight. We will
stumble but when we do, let us get up, dust off ourselves and be on the journey ahead knowing
that success may tarry but it will not be denied. As an American educator, reformer and
philosopher, Amos Bronson Alcott once remarked, “Success is sweet and sweeter if long delayed
and gotten through many struggles and defeats.” A great American Orator and politician,
William Jennings Bryan also once remarked, that “success is brought by continued labor and
continued watchfulness. We must struggle on, not for one moment hesitate, nor take one
backward step.” He further stated that, “Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice.
It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved.” Success therefore is to belief in
yourself and to follow your dreams. It is to have goals in life and a drive to succeed. Success is to
surround yourself with the things and people that will make you happy. Success requires more
character than intelligence. As my grandfather, our family patriarch, late Rev. Paul Mebuin Babi
once advised me, “son your success and happiness will only come on the foundations of seeing
others successful and happy.” We must therefore roll up our sleeves and get to work for the
public’s good despite the insurmountable challenges, odds, fears and insecurities. Be encouraged
and be hopeful knowing that together we must and we will defy the insecurities that surround or
stand before us. We must confront and not comfort our fears and insecurities.
Since we took over, there have been some progress on a few fronts. We were able to send
the sum of (disclose amount) _________ home for the Gom Water project. There has been an
increased awareness around MACDA_USA and its activities. We have not missed a single
monthly meeting and we have had record setting attendance during our meetings. We have
created a “work in progress Website” for the group, a WhatsApp account and an active database
for the group. Accomplishing these things did not come easy. We laud it to you. We are yet to
establish concrete plans with the national MACDA at home in part because of the ongoing
precarious situation in the Motherland and some leadership issues within the National Executive
Council. We need to do more in terms of development at home. Many students willing to study
do not have the necessary resources to do so. Water systems remain very deplorable at home.
Sanitary systems (public toilets) are nonexistent. As an organization we are not living up to our
full potentials. Many are yet to be active with the organization. Not many active branches exist.
MD/DC/VA with the second if not the largest presence of MACDANs in the US are yet to have
an active vibrant branch. Information dissemination amongst us is still limited. Many of us are
quick to criticize than offer any real solution. Many still offer a bunch of excuses to justify their
inactive attitude…as I say this, I do not take lightly those with legitimate reasons for not actively
attending on a regular basis. But let it be known that we too have many reasons that can
rightfully keep us away from this group. But we have chosen to engage in MACDA activities
and we do so not because we lack things to do or because we have so much spare time on our
plates. We do so for the simple love we have for you, our folks back at home and our Mantung
Land. As you can see, there is much work both here and at home that is left to be done and the
time to do them is NOW not tomorrow. And these things must be done by you and I and not
someone else.
As I ponder the lack thereof or the slow pace of development in our homeland, I ask
myself this: What is responsible for this underdevelopment or slow pace of development? Many
of you will disagree with me as my answer may shock you. But hear me out before you crucify
me. Our Culture, Education and Diversity are largely to be blamed for this under development.
While these things are very good and are to be celebrated, we have used them to our
disadvantage instead of to our advantage. Let us take the case of education for example. Look
around you and see or count for yourself: how many PhDs, how many MAs, BAs, engineers,
doctors etc. Mantung has? How many educated people have we produced? But how many
development and/ or income generating activities have these so called educated class generated
in Mantung Land? Compare that to the development and/ or income generating institutes or
entities like Jumbo Comprehensive College, Ndama Typing Institute, Jumbo Enterprises, Jean &
Sons’ Enterprise & Contractor, Eliaso’s Contractor, Mbem Technical Institutute, Ndamajang
Race etc that once beamed Mantung Land and all operated, owned or organized by “illiterates”
or half-educated (semi educated) people. Do not get me wrong. Nothing wrong with credentials.
But something is terribly wrong with credentials with no developments. I am an educator and I
believe without an ounce of a doubt that education is and will be our surest path out of poverty
and our current predicament of under development. But we will have to change our views on
how we use our educational status. Rather than use it to go around letting the whole world know
what we have accomplished, let us use our academic status and show how it is benefitting our
society. After all, the overarching benefit and beneficiary of education is the social good and
society respectively. I will apply this dramatic view shift on education on our culture and
diversity. The time has come for us to see our culture and the diversity that exist in us as a rich
medium through which we can garner development in our community. While I am on this topic,
let me be very clear, words will have no impact if we do not translate them into actions. I am
therefore proposing that we set aside 20 to 25 percent of any carryover funds from our annual
funds to generate some economic activity in Mantung Land. Mantung Land is so blessed with
fertile land and untapped natural resources and it is left for us to take advantage of this. We can
buy either land, grinding mills or both and employ women in Mantung Land to manage these
assets. Buying this land will mean that the land will stay in Mantung Land and in the hands of
Mantung Landers while at the same time providing employment for Mantung Landers...Let us
give power to the present and hope for the future. I will recommend that these projects should be
entrusted into the hands of women to organize and manage.
Some of you may find fault with my assessment given the many projects that you are
undertaking on an individual basis within your family. Some of you may reference the many
remittances that you make at home. I do not take these sacrificial projects lightly but let me ask.
Have you forgotten that many hands will do the work quicker and with less burden? And with
the remittance, who benefits? How does it benefit the people? Types of remittance? Can we
translate our individual remittance to income generating investments? Let me take this time to
acknowledge the work of George K. Jumbo. George who has been here only for a few years
recently embarked on an aggressive campaign to revamp his late father’s hotel and bar. His
actions have led to other economic activities in Nwa as I hear the Mantung boys he took to
Mantung Land have now earned other building contracts in the community. I also want to
highlight the works of the Money Foundation for giving scholarships to Mantung Landers and
the water projects in Mantung Land, Mabi Emma for donating a football cup tournament for
female Mantung Landers and the Jikongs for upgrading the church in Gwembe. These folks have
put society above self and family. May we begin to think and act beyond the confines of self and
our immediately families. I urge you to do ALL you can for as long as you can and for as long as
God gives you breathe to bring as much development as you can to Mantung Land. It will take a
committed and passionate people like George and you who will bridge the gap between
underdevelopment and development in Mantung Land.
As we embark on today’s deliberations and the path that lies ahead for us, let me leave
you with this motivational quote that goes like this, “The road to success is NOT straight. There
is a curve called Failure, a loop called Confusion, Speed bumps called Friends, red lights called
Enemies, caution (yellow) lights called Family. You will have flat tires called Jobs (Naysayers or
arm chair critics). But if you have a spare wheel (tire) called Determination, an Engine called
Perseverance, an insurance called Faith, and a driver called JESUS, you will make it to a place
called SUCCESS.” Let us be a people who do not want to see a people or community wasted.
We can’t give up. We are or should be a model for what others should be doing!
Good Bless Mantung Landers
God Bless Mantung Land